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Polish Cow English Lyrics: Full Version


Only one thing in my head Five grams of cocaine, fly away alone To the edge of oblivion I have thoughts in my head, when will all

The viral Polish cow song, originally titled "Gdzie jest biały węgorz" by Polish musical artist Cyprian, has captured the internet with its catchy melody and relatable lyrics. Here is the full English version of the song:

Verse 1

I'm feeling lost and alone In a world that's harsh and cold I need something to numb the pain To make me feel alive again


Only one thing in my head Five grams of cocaine, fly away alone To the edge of oblivion I have thoughts in my head, when will all

Verse 2

I know it's dangerous, I know it's wrong But I can't help but crave that high It's like a siren's call, I can't resist I'm drawn to it, like a moth to a flame


Only one thing in my head Five grams of cocaine, fly away alone To the edge of oblivion I have thoughts in my head, when will all


I'm losing myself, I'm losing control I'm becoming a slave to this addiction I need help, I need to break free But it's so hard, I'm so weak


Only one thing in my head Five grams of cocaine, fly away alone To the edge of oblivion I have thoughts in my head, when will all


I'm trapped in a spiral, I can't escape This addiction is consuming me I'm losing everything, I'm losing myself I need help, I need to find a way out
