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Biden And Netanyahu A Complicated Relationship

Biden and Netanyahu: A Complicated Relationship


The relationship between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is complex and has been marked by both cooperation and tension.

Recent Developments

On Monday, Biden and Netanyahu had a critical phone call, during which Biden warned Netanyahu against Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip. This warning came amid escalating tensions between Israel and Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip.

Historical Context

Biden and Netanyahu have a long history together, dating back to when Biden was a senator and Netanyahu was Israel's ambassador to the United States. However, their relationship has been strained in recent years, particularly over Biden's support for the Iran nuclear deal and his criticism of Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank.

Current Relationship

Despite these challenges, Biden and Netanyahu have both expressed a desire to work together and maintain close US-Israel ties. However, it remains to be seen whether they will be able to overcome their differences and build a productive partnership.


The relationship between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu is complex and has been marked by both cooperation and tension. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to overcome their differences and build a productive partnership.
